
The right to disconnect

This summer, new ‘right to disconnect’ legislation came into force in Australia. This new piece of legislation aims at establishing clear boundaries around out-of-hours work communication. Employees may now “refuse to monitor, read, or respond” to their employers’ requests outside of their working hours, unless such requests fall within a “reasonable” timeframe. In France, an […]

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Unfitness for Work: Professional or Non-Professional Origin?

Unfitness for work, as determined by the occupational practioner, can arise from either a professional or non-professional cause. This distinction is crucial for employers. Professional unfitness results from a work-related accident or an occupational disease. In such cases, the employer faces heightened obligations, including a thorough search for suitable redeployment opportunities, and prior consultation with

Unfitness for Work: Professional or Non-Professional Origin? Read More »

Conciliation agreement: case law confirms that the waiver of all claims is not limited to the termination of the employment contract

Under French law, the conciliation agreement – before the Employment Tribunal – constitutes a waiver by the parties of all claims relating to the termination of the employment contract (French Labour Code, art. L.1235-1). The parties often include in such agreements a waiver of all claims relating to both (i.) the termination of the employment

Conciliation agreement: case law confirms that the waiver of all claims is not limited to the termination of the employment contract Read More »

Falling while removing snow from a car is considered to be a work-related accident (“accident de trajet”)

In a recent case before the French Supreme Court, an employee had fallen and hurt himself while removing snow from his car in an outdoor parking space in front of his home. The issues raised in this case were the following: Did these factors prevent the employee’s accident from being classified as a work-related accident?

Falling while removing snow from a car is considered to be a work-related accident (“accident de trajet”) Read More »

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The employer is not bound to compensate the employee for the periods between fixed-term contracts even if such contracts are recharacterized as one permanent contract

Facts Between 1996 and 2010, an employee was employed by a company as a part-time sales representative, under a series of fixed-term contracts. Some contracts were separated by periods when the employee did not work for the company. In 2013, the employee took her case to the Employment Tribunal. She claimed that her part-time fixed-term

The employer is not bound to compensate the employee for the periods between fixed-term contracts even if such contracts are recharacterized as one permanent contract Read More »

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Protection of employee representatives

Staff representative employees have a special protective status which prohibits the employer from taking discriminatory measures against them. The protective status of employee representatives also requires the employer to follow a special procedure before transferring or terminating their employment contract. This procedure requires obtaining the authorization of the labor inspector before notifying the employee of

Protection of employee representatives Read More »

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Managing your incentive schemes (2): Adapting your objectives during the year

As mentioned in our previous blog post on incentive schemes in France, it is settled case law that the objectives must be set at the beginning of every year. Otherwise, employees could be entitled to the payment of a full bonus and may even bring claims for constructive dismissal. This being said, when there is

Managing your incentive schemes (2): Adapting your objectives during the year Read More »

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In France, like in other countries, employers are required to put in place measures to safeguard their employees against health and safety hazards (articles L.4121-1 onwards of the French Labour Code). The first measure to be taken by any company employing staff in France is to implement risk profiling and draft a risk assessment document