Mgg Legal
Our Expertise
Our Areas
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Traditional Areas
Our lawyers will assist you throughout your reorganisation process. From strategy to implementation, our team will assess the financial, economic and employment position of your company, quantify the costs, draft the mandatory documents and assist you in your relations with all parties concerned (experts, trade unions, staff representatives, labour authorities and redeployment units).
The firm is also recognized for its expertise in alternatives to social plans (cost reduction, short time working, voluntary departure plan, etc.).
MGG Legal uses its experience in business law and its network to help you manage the corporate aspects of your transactions (transfers, LBOs or MBOs, mergers & acquisitions) successfully. From auditing and guaranteeing liabilities to staff representatives’ consultation and harmonising company statutes, our firm helps you at every stage of the process.
MGG Legal helps you negotiate innovative collective agreements aligned with your requirements.
We also assist you in the management of your elected representatives, including by setting up an efficient framework (organizing elections, preventing and dealing with potential disputes).
MGG Legal advises you on all issues relating to managing and arranging working time (night work, compensatory rest, on-call arrangements, time package agreements, ways of calculating working time).
Dealing with the constraints of tax and social security law, MGG Legal offers innovative individual and collective remuneration schemes (profit-sharing, incentives and savings plans), customised employee shareholding or retirement systems and, more generally, complementary welfare tools.
Management of the Individual Employment Relationship
We assist and represent our client companies in all aspects of the contractual management of employees (disciplinary law matters, termination of the employment contract and negotiation of settlements).
A company’s duty of safety must allow for the implementation of an efficient prevention policy to deal with psychosocial risks, illnesses and accidents in the workplace.
MGG Legal assists companies in matters of health (occupational medicine, management of accidents on the workplace/occupational illnesses) as well as in matters of safety through the development of the unique document and the relationship with the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission of the Social and Economic Committee.
We will defend your interests before the relevant courts every time it is necessary.
Our team of litigation experts defends your interests before all courts: employment disputes, administrative disputes, electoral disputes and disputes relating to trade union designations, social security law disputes following a reassessment by the French agency in charge of recovering social security contributions (URSSAF) or workplace accidents, occupational illnesses and litigation before the regional court (challenges to expert findings, disputes over the interpretation of a collective agreement, etc.).
Officers’ and directors’ increased risk of criminal liability in relation to psychological and sexual harassment, the invasion of employee privacy and workplace health and safety has led MGG Legal lawyers to develop upstream counselling and training services (with particular regard to delegations of authority, the design of professional risk assessment and prevention policies, subcontracting management and the prevention of harassment). We defend companies and officers in connection with the risks related to infringements of working time laws, health and safety rules, psychological and sexual harassment, unlawful leasing of labour or undeclared work.
With business and international law being part of our DNA, we can address matters of corporate governance, challenges relating to the contracts and remuneration of managers, in particular within listed companies and international groups, as well as issues relating to international mobility and expatriation.
We manage every aspect of the officer/company relationship, when officers join the company (negotiating and drafting their employment contract or terms of office, dealing with issues of unfair competition), as well as when they leave (negotiating and drafting settlements) or in case of expatriation.
We also handle disputes brought before the trade courts and employment tribunals.
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Emerging Areas
Corporate projects, and in particular the opening of new establishments and reorganisations or the implementation of remuneration policies or other codes of conduct are no longer local operations, but more and more often require a global approach.
Our lawyers act as true “project managers” in such matters, identifying the legal skills required and coordinating the actions of the various parties involved. Our centralised management allows for better control of costs and timelines and ensures a high level of service for our clients.
By pooling our internal expertise with that of our external partners, including ELLINT, MGG Legal provides solutions tailored to your specific projects as well their specificities.
The General Data Protection Regulation has transformed the way companies manage issues relating to HR data protection.
The requirement that controllers must be able to prove at all times that data is processed in accordance with data protection principles (accountability) and the sanctions already imposed by the CNIL (the French National Data Protection Commission) have created new potential exposures that companies must anticipate as thoroughly as they can.
Our lawyers have a recognised expertise in data privacy matters and can assist you with any issue relating to the application of the personal data protection rules and, if necessary, to the compliance of your HR management tools with the GDPR.
The development of work via digital platforms has come with a series of questions, including on the ability of the employment/labour law system to adapt to these new economic models. We offer guidance to the players in this sector to give them a better understanding of the rules applicable to their activities and help them secure their HR tools in order to protect themselves against the emerging risks of litigation in connection with contract re-characterization and audits by the social security authorities.
At a time when the civil service and state-owned companies, and, more generally, the public-service sector, are undergoing extensive transformation, the lawyers at MGG Legal understand the challenges faced by these entities (employment contracts, transfers, assignments, secondments, offers, terminations, retirements, collective bargaining, management of staff representative bodies, training, transfers of staff relating to the opening up to competition, etc.). They are prepared to take their specific characteristics, their social and cultural diversity and the change management process (protection of know-how and competition) into account.
We also have recognized expertise in the field of regulated public sector companies.
We handle matters of harassment, psychosocial risk (that may lead to suicides in the workplace), discrimination and even real blackmail situations. We assist our clients in their enquiries, and we sometimes call on third party investigators or mediators, and consultants specialised in psychosocial risks and work psychology.
In such situations, we are able to help our clients by offering our expertise in a range of related areas, in particular thanks to our knowledge of labour criminal law. We have structured our team in a way that combines a legal and a business approach in order to offer operational advice.
We systematically bring the reputational risks of the case to the attention of the client (who is sometimes unaware of it) and, if needed, we suggest having communication specialists familiar with this type of work come on board. They are able to react very quickly to any “aggressions” from the media which are an integral feature of such cases.
MGG Academy
MGG Legal offers various training programmes to its clients in order to inform them of the developments in employment and labour law, to help them upskill or to share with their peers.
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MGG Academy
To develop our knowledge and share information on technical and legal subjects which are relevant to you, the firm offers:
Regular free trainings, such as webinars or breakfast news briefings, during which we can either cover recent legal news or touch on a specific topic such as remote work, the employees’ right to disconnect, managing the meetings of the Social and Economic Committee, reorganisations and alternatives to redundancies, securing proxies, etc.
Paid training courses prepared to measure, according to a need identified by your company or training courses to choose from our regularly updated catalog.
Examples of training courses offered by the firm:
- Introduction to the basic principles of labour law
- Knowing how to handle a professional alert
- Environment and CSR
- Management of labour relations
- Collective redundancies without an obligation to implement an employment protection plan (social plan)
- Recruitment without discrimination
- Managing a social plan in France: a brief guide for international groups considering reductions in workforce in France
MGG Legal is Qualiopi-certified. Our paying training courses may therefore be funded under vocational training scheme.
As most members of the firm are fluent in at least one foreign language, the firm also offers training courses in foreign languages, in particular in English or German.
MGG Legal is Qualiopi-certified. Our paying training courses may therefore be funded under vocational training scheme.
As most members of the firm are fluent in at least one foreign language, the firm also offers training courses in foreign languages, in particular in English or German.