
Never announce a dismissal before the end of the dismissal procedure

Following our previous article published on June 19, 2024, the French Supreme Court confirmed their position regarding verbal termination, which is always considered an unfair termination (not merely irregular). In this case, the employee was dismissed for she had been declared unfit for work on her position and with no possibility to be redeployed on […]

Never announce a dismissal before the end of the dismissal procedure Read More »

Dismissing for sexual harassment: be careful when the acts are in the employee’s private life

In a recent case, on September 25, 2024, the French Supreme Court confirmed that an employee cannot be dismissed for gross misconduct if the misconduct occurs during his private life. In this case, the employee committed alleged acts of sexual harassment via Instagram, using private messaging, outside his working hours and using his own computer. The employer

Dismissing for sexual harassment: be careful when the acts are in the employee’s private life Read More »

Unauthorized remote work from abroad may ground a dismissal for gross misconduct

The facts A French employee was hired by a French company in 2019. In 2020, the employee spent her summer holidays in Canada, and as her return flight was cancelled, her employer temporarily authorised her to work from Canada. The employee requested to work from Canada on a permanent basis. She even threatened to resign.

Unauthorized remote work from abroad may ground a dismissal for gross misconduct Read More »

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Unfitness for work: the employee must prove that their employer did not fulfil its redeployment obligations in good faith

According to Articles L1226-2-1 and L1226-12 of the French Labour Code, when an employee is declared unfit for their job, the employer must offer the employee another job suited to their abilities and comparable to the job previously held (unless the occupational health doctor expressly mentions that no redeployment is possible for the employee). If

Unfitness for work: the employee must prove that their employer did not fulfil its redeployment obligations in good faith Read More »

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Determination of the business sector in which the economic rationale is assessed

Before implementing a redundancy process in France, the employer must determine and explain to the staff representatives, if any, and to the employees eventually made redundant the reasons for which it has no other choice but to reorganize and to make employees redundant. As a general reminder, to justify a restructuring, the Company must establish

Determination of the business sector in which the economic rationale is assessed Read More »

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Tensions on the workplace are not enough to discipline an employee

In the case here reviewed, the employer company held one of its employees – in charge of internal validation – responsible for his persistant disagreement with his colleagues. The company thus terminated him for a personal non-disciplinary reason. The employee challenged the validity of his dismissal in court, arguing it was based on disciplinary reasons.

Tensions on the workplace are not enough to discipline an employee Read More »

The decree governing medical counter-inspection has finally been published

Long-awaited, the decree setting out the terms and conditions of the medical counter-inspection organised by the employer has finally come into force. Article L. 1226-1 of the French Labour Code, which allows employers to organise a medical counter-inspection in the event of an employee’s absence due to incapacity as resulting from illness or accident, had

The decree governing medical counter-inspection has finally been published Read More »

Duty of Diligence: Towards Greater Corporate Responsibility in Europe

Adopted on 24 May 2024 by the Council of the European Union, the CS3D (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) introduces a Europe-wide duty of diligence. From 2027, it will gradually impose obligations on large companies with significant dispositions in the European Union, largely inspired by French provisions. This Directive, which is more far-reaching than the

Duty of Diligence: Towards Greater Corporate Responsibility in Europe Read More »