In a few words


MGG Legal offers various training programmes to its clients in order to inform them of the developments in employment and labour law, to help them upskill or to share with their peers.
To develop our knowledge and share information on technical and legal subjects which are relevant to you, the firm offers

Free Training Programmes

Regular free trainings, such as webinars or breakfast news briefings, during which we can either cover recent legal news or touch on a specific topic such as remote work, the employees’ right to disconnect, managing the meetings of the Social and Economic Committee, reorganisations and alternatives to redundancies, securing proxies, etc.

For-a-fee Training Courses on Technical Issues, Open to All

Paid training courses prepared to measure, according to a need identified by your company or training courses to choose from our regularly updated catalog.

Examples of training courses offered by the firm:

  • Introduction to the basic principles of labour law
  • Knowing how to handle a professional alert
  • Environment and CSR
  • Management of labour relations
  • Collective redundancies without an obligation to implement an employment protection plan (social plan)
  • Recruitment without discrimination
  • Managing a social plan in France: a brief guide for international groups considering reductions in workforce in France 




MGG Legal is Qualiopi-certified. Our paying training courses may therefore be funded under vocational training scheme.

As most members of the firm are fluent in at least one foreign language, the firm also offers training courses in foreign languages, in particular in English or German.

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