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Tensions on the workplace are not enough to discipline an employee

In the case here reviewed, the employer company held one of its employees – in charge of internal validation – responsible for his persistant disagreement …

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The decree governing medical counter-inspection has finally been published

Long-awaited, the decree setting out the terms and conditions of the medical counter-inspection organised by the employer has finally come into force. Article L. 1226-1 …

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Duty of Diligence: Towards Greater Corporate Responsibility in Europe

Adopted on 24 May 2024 by the Council of the European Union, the CS3D (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) introduces a Europe-wide duty of diligence. …

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A core rule of French employment law is non bis in idem, meaning that an employee cannot be sanctioned twice for the same misconduct. In …

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An employer who has not set up a reliable system for measuring the working time of their employees, can provide other evidence.

In France, the burden of proof in disputes relating to working time does not fall on one party in particular. In fact, article L. 3171-4 …

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Beware of oral termination

Under French law, when an employer decides to terminate an employee, the employer must follow a specific procedure which involves an invitation to a preliminary …

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